Teams machine wide installer auto update - teams machine wide installer auto update

Teams machine wide installer auto update - teams machine wide installer auto update

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How are you keeping Teams Machine-Wide Installer updated? - Microsoft Tech Community - Upgrading Teams Machine wide installer 


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Right now we are remediating this ourselves with our own Intune solution, but of course we would like to not have to run extra remediation steps that increase overall provisioning time. Products 68 Special Topics 42 Video Hub Most Active Hubs Microsoft Teams.

Security, Compliance and Identity. Microsoft Edge Insider. Microsoft FastTrack. Microsoft Viva. Core Infrastructure and Security. Education Sector. Microsoft PnP. AI and Machine Learning. Microsoft Mechanics.

Healthcare and Life Sciences. Small and Medium Business. We are a Citrix house so we end up on their support sites doing research. In prep for the further deployment of our windows endpoints we found this snippet over on the Citrix docs site:. The end user selects the 3 dots and then select "check for updates" from teams and the application updates on its own.

It's bonkers that they are now including the machine wide installer with Office, but then not keeping it up to date. Almost all of our users are now being prompted to update Teams as soon as they log in for the first time, and there is no advice on MS's documentation page on how to keep the Office bundled machine wide installer up to date.

I have pulled out all the logging since it contained network information so i would suggest you create some logging to check the scripts behaviour. Products 68 Special Topics 42 Video Hub Most Active Hubs Microsoft Teams. Security, Compliance and Identity. Microsoft Edge Insider. Microsoft FastTrack.

Microsoft Viva. Core Infrastructure and Security. Education Sector. Microsoft PnP. AI and Machine Learning. Microsoft Mechanics. Healthcare and Life Sciences. Small and Medium Business. This will overwrite the existing files, allowing them to be updated to the correct version.

If this occurs, however, two different users will have separate installation entries created. If either user uninstalls the Teams Machine-Wide Installer, the files will be removed, and it will be shown as uninstalled for the user performing the uninstall, but the second user will still show an installation entry present, even though the files have been removed.

By default, the script will populate the AllowMsiOverride key only if it does not already exist. Therefore, if your organization wants to push a value of 0 to some users, this value will remain even if the script is ran. If you want to forcibly reset the value back to 1 for all users, you can pass the -OverwritePolicyKey switch.

The CheckMsiOverride. Copy the CheckMsiOverride. Specify a schedule that is appropriate for your organization. If no update is required, the script will make no changes, so there are no issues running it often such as daily. Determine the version number for this MSI, either by installing locally or extracting the files and looking at the properties of the Teams.

If you used the PublishLatestVersion script, the version number is the folder name they are placed into. Have the package execute the script similar to as follows, using the proper location for the script for your package deployment software:.

It will also write to the Application event log with the source "TeamsMsiOverride" for any failures, or if an update completed successfully. This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement CLA declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot.

You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA. The deployment was disappointing to begin with, in that all the installer does is create a Teams Installer directory under program files and then copies the installer approx mb to every single logged in user, which chews up the hard disk for multi user devices.

We've only just noticed now, that despite us pushing out version 1. We are now starting to get users who log into PC's for the first time and get prompted about not being a updated version and click here to update, which takes them to a download link for Teams.

This will not install for all users as it requires elevated credentials which end users do not have. Installation of this version cannot continue. I've also tried extracting the Teams. In writing this, I've just discovered that running the Teams. I guess I'll try and also push the update. BrianGe I have the exact same issue as you, we have a wide range of versions when we first deployed the Machine installer, and are running into the issues where a new user signs in and the app wants a update.

I also tried the same thing as you - installing the latest version of the machine wide installer, and of course it failed with the message you got. The other day a new user signed in got the update message, so we let it download from the web, it installed, Teams launched but did not connect to their work account. I'm going to try the idea of uninstalling the machine installer with existing user Teams already installed , then re-install the latest version and see if it breaks anything.

Not sure how else to do this, I have to keep these installers up to date or I'm going to get a lot more of these issues with new users. Glad I'm testing on my own machine - Don't uninstall the machine wide installer - it uninstalls all Teams on the machine even my user install.

The trouble is, Teams is updated very often, so trying to keep the Machine Wide Installer up to date on all devices is a big challenge with a big administrative overhead. Since running the updated Teams. I'll be back to work on Tuesday, so will be doing more testing before writing up a script to redeploy. It's still unclear if running Teams. If it does, we can just add an extra line into the script after the files are copied to simply launch Teams. Here's a PS1 I've just whipped up, still needs some more testing on site, but so far it seems to be what I want.

I've modified the script that we initially used to push Teams, so it'll also do the install on a new client along with an update if required:.



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